McDonald's has 4 new chocolaty Shamrock Shakes and we tried them all

Even if you’re not a mint lover, you have to admit: Shamrock Shakes are a welcome sign of spring in this winter-doldrums period between Valentine’s and St. Patrick’s days.

So what if the groundhog saw its shadow, when those bright-green shakes start popping up on billboards?

Sure enough, the cult favorite is back, but along with four new offshoots this year: the Chocolate Shamrock Shake and Shamrock Chocolate Chip Frappé, both cold drinks, as well as two warm beverages, the Shamrock Mocha and Shamrock Hot Chocolate. There's also a tricked out new straw that was created for the drinks and comes out on February 24th (more on that later).

Shamrock Shake

So what if the groundhog saw its shadow, when those bright-green shakes start popping up on billboards?

Sure enough, the cult favorite is back, but along with four new offshoots this year: the Chocolate Shamrock Shake and Shamrock Chocolate Chip Frappé, both cold drinks, as well as two warm beverages, the Shamrock Mocha and Shamrock Hot Chocolate. There's also a tricked out new straw that was created for the drinks and comes out on February 24th (more on that later).

Shamrock Shake

Watch out, Shamrock Shake, there's a new favorite: Tasters overwhelmingly picked the new Chocolate Shamrock Shake version as tops between the two. One described it as a "liquid version" of the crowd-pleasing Andes Chocolate Mints. Since the drink is layered, we could see how the over-the-top new snorkel-shaped straw, which shows up in select stores starting February 24, would help keep you from getting sips full of just-chocolate or just-mint, but really, let's face it, that's not exactly an earth-shattering problem.

3. Shamrock Shake

By comparison, alongside the new chocolate-mint drinks, the original Shamrock Shake, which launched in 1970, paled in comparison, tasters agreed. "You have to really, really like mint to like this," one said. "I don't know if I can go back now."

4. Shamrock Mocha

As with the frappé, tasters were pleasantly surprised that the Shamrock Mocha was "not cloying." The espresso drink is made with (sustainably sourced) espresso, steamed milk, and mint and mocha syrups. Ours was "a little heavy on the mocha," but overall, it satisfied that chocolate-mint craving without being overly minty.

5. Shamrock Hot Chocolate

By default, the hot chocolate earned the least raves, since, after all, it's just not as flashy as any of those shakes, though it does get the whipped topping and chocolate-drizzle treatment. Tasters did give it props for being "smooth" and having a "very subtle mint taste." With mint, it seems, subtly is key.
