popping his eyes out have gone viral because they’re just so bizarre

We all have heard of the phrase ‘eyes popping out in bewilderment’, and may even have used it when describing a situation. But we’re sure you can’t beat this Pakistani teenager when it comes to actually executing this eye-popping ability – and that too, quite literally! Now an Internet sensation who has been covered far and wide by national and international media, Ahmed Ali has the unique ability to pop his eyes out like no other.

Reaching out to the guy, Dunya News reports,”He possesses a bizarre talent of squeezing his eyes out beyond eye sockets by over 10 mm.” It further says, “Ahmed’s ophthalmologist initially suggested him to get rid of this bizarre habit but looking at his expertise, he motivated him to go after the Guinness Record.”
A Youtube video that exhibits his offbeat and somewhat eerie talent has left the Internet at a loss for words.
