This mom’s powerful post and the suicide note of her daughter, who was gangraped, is a must-read

Sexual assault is said to be an everyday issue for women and day-by-day, the woes are only adding up. Not just in India, but the security of women is an issue that needs strict action across the globe. Amid the growing crime scenario, here is a heart-wrenching story straight from Australia that will break your heart.

A 15-year-old schoolgirl, who was gangraped when she was 13, took her own life and left a heartbreaking letter for her mother. A resident of Melbourne, Australia, Cassidy Trevan wrote the letter as a warning to other students at her school.

“My name is Cassidy Trevan, and I was raped,” reads the letter. “I was a student at (school name omitted) and I was raped by some of the students who still attend that school. My aim is to warn other people (students mostly but also parents) about what happened because I’m worried if they could do it to me they could do it to other kids like me, or at least try to. If anyone every tries this on you trust me it’s worth fighting! Fight! If you don’t you’ll regret it for the rest of your life like I do. You can do it. Be careful. Be warned. Be safe.”
After the shocking incident took place, it was reported to Dandenong police. However, Cassidy never really opened up about the matter. Her mother Linda Trevan found the unfinished letter that her daughter had written and shared a powerful post on Facebook after her death.

“Bullying killed my child,” she wrote, adding, “I had to watch my baby suffer for the next 22 months from these demons … she worried you would find her and get her again, she went through continued bullying from some of you who managed to get to her by phone or social media, via others, even after what you’d done to her. She suffered flash backs of the crime, nightmares, insomnia, separation anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD and subsequent worsening mental illness. I’m not a mean, angry, or vindictive person … but what you kids did … I hope you never forgive yourselves and never forget the name Cassidy Trevan. You all have blood on your hands for as long as you live.”
Her mother has received lots of messages and comments on her social media account and she has also started a page — Bullying Killed My Child; Cassidy’s Story — to protest against bullying.
The unfinished letter, which Linda made public on 9news, was being written with the help of Cassidy’s boyfriend Luke and was found on her laptop.
Here’s the letter:
